The Greek Acropolis. Erechtheum. Porch of the Maidens. Erechtheion

I’m a fine artist and digital graphic artist. 

I am not a luddite and I do find it interesting in seeing technology progress but I do feel that we shouldn’t forget our past. I feel that technology is creeping into every area of society. I feel that it is extremely  ignorant of our society to just think that the representational visual arts alone are not of value. 

About Me

I’ve worked for a number of years as a digital graphic artist but I’ve always had a side interest in Classical Realism which is the direct opposite of a lot of what is occurring in today’s fine art scene. Growing up, I was a huge fan of Rembrandt but I did enjoy fancy lettering fonts. 

Technology  and Graphics? 

In college, I got the sense of professors thinking that graphic design was a superior art form to photography or representational art. Looking back, I got the sense that they didn’t know their own profession very well or how much technology would influence the graphics profession. Graphic design professors seemed to think they were immune to technology. As soon as I learned print graphics,  I had to learn how to build websites and how to code. After learning how to code, it became more and more apparent that there are multiple ways that technology will allow people how to code without knowing how to code. I spent a lot of time originally learning how to code html, CSS, some php, and java script but I guess now, I don’t have as much of a need to use the original skills I learned. Now there are AI websites to help build logos. There is more and more of a move for computer generated graphic layouts even. 

Technology and  Sculpture? 

I also remembering my perspective drawing professor stating that representational art wasn’t of much value but traditional sculpture was. Really? Today, technology can create realistic or abstract sculpture with CNC machines. We are also in a day and age where 3D printing could really take over any style of sculpture. 

Technology and Abstract Art? 

Technology can even take over abstract art. Look at AI such as DALL•E. You can automatically create abstract works of art with computer intelligence. 

In conclusion, my feeling is that anyone could be replaced by technology no matter what profession your are in so why can’t galleries include more representational art?

Maybe the true antiquarians are galleries that choose to only show abstraction. 

BA Degree in Art from CSUN